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The Crew Of The Aphrodite Reach The Crossing between the Gamma and Delta Quadrents Upon arrival they warp in to a sector with a wonderful looking planet! Almost like earth, When an away team go down to the planet.. They slowly realise that the planet is full of a virus! that attacks cells and renders the victim pretty much helpless! It is up to the science and Medical crews of the USS Aphrodite to figure out its origin and find a cure all in 48 hours before the away team looses function of there bodies and minds!

Start Date Tue Mar 2nd, 2021 @ 12:32pm
End Date Fri Apr 2nd, 2021 @ 11:32am

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Mission Summary

A little about T'vren virus! It was created by the Tal'Shiar as a way of destroying Artificial life, But what they didn't bank on was its aggressive and scary results it held for bio-logical life forms! Almost likend to a human retro virus that attaches to and deploys a protein into the DNA of the host! it muates at a fast rate too and will keep doing so!