Welcome to the USS Aphrodite!
through the stars, to find new civilizations and go boldly where no one has gone before!

These Are the Voyages Of The Starship Aphrodite! Her continuing mission to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life!
Latest Mission Posts
» Oh The Mocking birds Sing
Mission: Through the Eye of The World
Posted on Sat Sep 2nd, 2023 @ 7:48pm by Captain Elena Lightwood & Commander Miles Williams & Lieutenant Commander Anye Yoshi & Lieutenant Commander Daniel Dreiberg & Lieutenant Kara Danvers & 1st Lieutenant Marjani Smith & Ensign Tridi & Ensign Talina Lightwood
Earth Space dock was teaming with life, New ships and new assignments abound. Walking the halls was Vice Admiral Deering a stout but broad man in his late 50s, Salt and pepper brownish black hair and a small formed goatee. His Command red uniform clung to his muscular frame as…
» One Last Stop
Mission: Shakedown
Posted on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 11:40pm by Captain Elena Lightwood & Commander Miles Williams & Lieutenant Commander Anye Yoshi & Lieutenant Kara Danvers & Lieutenant Sanaa Amariza
[Elenas Office]
Elena walked into her office, she walked over to the replicator and made her self a rum and coke. She was now off duty for a while and she sat in her chair when the view screen was beeping "lightwood You have to drop by DS9 to…
» The last Piece of the Puzzle
Mission: Shakedown
Posted on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 11:40pm by Captain Elena Lightwood & 1st Lieutenant Marjani Smith
Elena had let the rest of the crew go off and have a little R&R, DS9 was the perfect place to do so! it would be the final stop before they entered the gamma and through to the delta quadrant. Elena's hair was up in a neat little bow, bouncy…
» Attack of the Raptor
Mission: Shakedown
Posted on Mon Mar 1st, 2021 @ 3:19pm by Captain Elena Lightwood & Commander Miles Williams & Lieutenant Kara Danvers & Lieutenant Sanaa Amariza & Ensign Talina Lightwood
Transporter room:
Elena had asked to be beamed back up, as soon as she was beamed aboard the red alert klaxon sounded, Looking to the rest of the crew around her who had been on the away team, Panic written all over her face, as she clung to her…
» Trip to Mars
Mission: Shakedown
Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2021 @ 5:15pm by Captain Elena Lightwood & Lieutenant JG Maria McMahon & Ensign Tridi & Ensign Talina Lightwood
After heading to the armoury to get her side-arm and holster and tricorder, Maria knew that they were heading down to Mars to pick up the Captain's daughter, However; she knew that it was better to be ready for anything than none at all, as she arrived into the…
Latest Personal Logs
» Once More Into the Breach
Posted on Thu Mar 23rd, 2023 @ 1:35am by Captain Elena Lightwood
[Computer Starts Log]
Well here it is my first proper command, Earth Space dock has been accommodating and the training vessel me and the future crew of the Aphrodite have been on has been more than adequate, For the last two weeks we have been involved in relief efforts…